Monday, August 3, 2009

Best Billboard/Advertising Tournament Semi-Finals and Finals this Week

Ladies and Gentlemen, the Best Billboard/Advertising Tournament will end this week.

Semi-Finals voting will take place Mon-Wed (ending at 5 pm):

Craig Kenny v. Richard Harris
C. Conrad Claus v. Ticket Busters

and Finals voting will take place Thurs-Fri (ending at 5 pm).

Today, it's Mr. Nice Guy, Craig Kenny (background available here and history here), v. Richard Harris (background here and history here)


  1. I'm getting a little teary-eyed. The obnoxious polls are almost over. [sniffle]

  2. you just know that scumbag Harris has found a way to stuff the ballot box.

  3. Strokes is that you?

  4. I noticed the ballot box stuffing as moment he's down by 20 and 5 minutes later, he's up by 30? If you're going to rig the votes, at least be subtle about it.

    Can the powers that be start the voting over or something?

  5. This is supposedly a tournament of the best billboard/advertising lawyers. Kenny does not have billboards or advertise at all. Harris should win by default.

  6. This is obviously a contest to determine who throws the better party...

  7. Kenny has apparently asked his cab driver clients to guarantee his victory. This battle has more votes cast than a phony Iranian election.

  8. Here's what is dumb...there is obviously vote rigging, but it was present from day one.

    The very first poll that Harris was in had a record 550 votes or something ridiculous like that. Every subsequent poll [except for this one] had votes in the range of 100.

    So there's obviously someone stuffing FOR and AGAINST Harris.

    What I think is funny is that someone cares so much to vote against him. Strokes maybe??

  9. Then again, these guys' prior client databases must be massive. A simple email blast for support could generate these kind of numbers.

  10. Congratulations to Mr. Harris:

    Craig Kenny 480; 40%
    Richard Harris: 702 votes; 59%

    As for those who suggested that there is some foul play in the voting, we are looking into issue.

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