Poor "Pimp Snooky" [pictured right] just can't convince authorities that he's not actually a pimp. It might have something to do with Snooky's repeatedly saying he's a pimp on Jerry Springer and the movie "Pimps Up, Hos Down" or his catch phrase “let me pimp, or let me die”. (LV Sun)
Many young attorneys dream of the day they have their first trial. Few dream that Nevada Supreme Court Justice Mark Gibbons might make the trial just that much more intimidating by presiding over the trial. (LV Sun)
Poor Noel Gage. Now the Nevada Bar says he's violated attorney ethics by sharing funds with [alleged crook] medical consultant Howard Awand. (RJ) Oh well, at least he's safe on the criminal charges [unless the Ninth Circuit decides Nevada should be allowed to clean up its attorney ranks]
Gibbons was nothing special as a trial court judge when he was one. The greatest predictor of success in Gibbons' court during law and motion was whether the attorney arguing the motion was a member of NTLA. If Nevada's judiciary isn't the least astute and most corrup in the nation, it's very close on both counts. Gibbons is no exception.