Wednesday, August 19, 2009

TFFKAKKBRF Comes Out of Its Cocoon as KCRGF

We're just received word that The Firm formerly known as Kummer Kaempfer Bonner Renshaw & Ferrario ("TFFKAKKBRF") has transformed into a beautiful butterfly with the name Kaempfer Crowell Renshaw Gronauer & Fiorentino [name has not been updated on website yet].

All good things come to an end. We're sorry to have to say goodbye to the moniker TFFKAKKBRF, but at least we'll have KCRGF.
[thanks to VLG for the tip]


  1. There's a tongue-twister. Try saying that one ten times in a row.

  2. Isn't anyone named Smith or Jones anymore?

    Pithy comment supplied by someone named Longabaugh...

  3. What I don't understand is how Renshaw still rates third in line?

  4. I believe you misspelled the last name of the firm, it should read "Douschebag."

  5. 10:54 you are awesome and absolutely correct.

  6. 10:24 how funny!!! Most would agree with you

  7. "Douschebag"???? You people need to get a real life! Sounds like some of you are very bitter........

  8. 2:28 Who is bitter? A lot of people would consider the comment truthful and telling who have no reason to be bitter or whatever you are trying to infer.

  9. 2:28-Do we detect a bit of frustration that YOU are still with the firm and cant find anything else???? There are NO ex-employees of said firm that would feel bitter.

    Truthful comments hurt huh?
