Thursday, August 6, 2009

The Tournament comes down to numbers: 444-4444 v. 666-6666

We've reached the end of the tournament road, ladies and gents. And your finalists are:

444-4444 (Richard Harris) (background here and history here) v.
666-6666 (the Harris firm's Ticket Busters) (background here and results here).

Many readers have objected that a Harris v. Harris entity final is a perversion of justice. For those readers, we suggest you sit back and enjoy this battle with the image of a corporate legal entity punching itself in the face with its left hand and socking itself in the gut with its right hand.
Other readers have raised allegations the two remaining firms only got here by stuffing the ballot box like a fatwah-issuing Persian president or a city counselor in Chicago. For the record, we weren't able to confirm any foul play, but we agree with the commentators that the number of votes in the Kenny v. Harris semi-final smells foul.

That said, most of the blog readers are lawyers and from what we hear, reputation is everything in this business. If competitors chose to cheat to win a blog poll, the Court of general opinion may brand the winner with a scarlet asterisk. We'll leave that in the hands of the people commentators.

Either way, this tournament has been "One Shining Moment" after another:


  1. The tournament bracket setup leaves skewed results. IMO a single, multichoice poll would have given a better picture of the voter preferences.

    Are there any polling systems that allow sorting/ordering of multiple choices by each voter?

  2. It seems pointless to vote in this poll. Either way, Richard Harris wins.

    At lease the polls will be over........right?

  3. I meant "At least"

  4. Is everyone as surprised as I am that something so crapulent like these pools would turn out stupidly.

  5. This final poll reminds of the last presidential election: a vote for either is a vote for the same.


  6. "pointless?" "turn out stupidly?" I like the way it turned out...

    Richard Harris

  7. I refuse to vote...nothing good can come of this sport, other than inter-numeral mixing.

    First they mingled and ran into each other casually on the calculator. Then they became friends and now they want to compete in sports, in the SAME GAME!!! Outrage!!!

    I think, next, we may see mixing of numbers all over and blatantly. You know what happens then...all the other letters will move out of Romanization neighborhood. We will be stuck with Arabic spelling, or Chinese characters living around the corner and all sorts of mixed integers.

    What is our world coming to? I suspect you will be advocating for school integration of the integers, too. What? Married numbers?? WELL NOT ON MY WATCH BUB!!

    Down with Inter-numeric sports!! It must stop now, as it is slowly degenerating our society into mongrel fractions, mixed numbers and decimals...oh the rage!!!

  8. LU - are you insane? Seriously.

  9. I once thought that Mr. Cat was the most annoying legal blog commenter alive. I was wrong. Terribly wrong.

  10. @ 2:11 AM

    Yes. Certifiably.

    But posting at 2:00AM? Seriously? That's crazy.
